Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 48 (2002) 8

leto 2002, letnik 48, številka 8

The Synthesis of Human-Error Analysis Using the Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method and Fault-Tree Analysis

Janja Zupančič, Jure Marn
Ogledov: 1877
Prenosov: 1221
Strani: 418-437

An Original Combined Multiphase Model of the Steam-Explosion Premixing Phase

Matjaž Leskovar, Borut Mavko
Ogledov: 1950
Prenosov: 1042
Strani: 438-448

Simulation of the Isothermal QUEOS Steam-Explosion Premixing Experiment Q08

Matjaž Leskovar, Borut Mavko
Ogledov: 1951
Prenosov: 637
Strani: 449-458

The Impact of a Fixed Kinematic Turning Radius of a Tracked Vehicle on the Engine Power required in a Turn

Vjekoslav Stojković, Dinko Mikulić
Ogledov: 2049
Prenosov: 1064
Strani: 459-466