Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51 (2005) 7-8

leto 2005, letnik 51, številka 7-8

A Novel Concept for Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement

D. W. Zhou
Ogledov: 2083
Prenosov: 1879
Strani: 366-373

An Improved Form for Natural Convection Heat Transfer Correlations

Eugene F. Adiutori
Ogledov: 2149
Prenosov: 1134
Strani: 374-378

Heat transfer during transverse air flow around a cylinder

Wladyslaw Nowak, Aleksander A. Stachel
Ogledov: 2093
Prenosov: 2530
Strani: 379-385

Numerical Simulation of Scalp Cooling to Prevent Chemotherapy–Induced Alopecia.

Francis-Paul E. M. Janssen, Gerard M. J. van Leeuwen, Anton A. van Steenhoven
Ogledov: 1981
Prenosov: 1444
Strani: 386-390

Thermal Characterisation of Rectangular Cooling Shapes in Heat Generating Mediums – A Three-Dimensional Investigation

Jaco Dirker, Arnaud G. Malan, Josua P. Meyer
Ogledov: 1906
Prenosov: 1082
Strani: 391-398

Radiative water-cooling in maritime and moderate continental climatic conditions

Igor Balen, Vladimir Soldo
Ogledov: 1965
Prenosov: 1159
Strani: 399-404

Energy consumption analysis of domestic oven

M. Penšek, N. Holeček, H. Gjerkeš, I. Golobič
Ogledov: 2185
Prenosov: 6032
Strani: 405-410

Numerical analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in rotary regenerative air pre-heaters

Sandira Alagić, Indira Buljubašić, Nikola Stošić, Ahmed Kovačević
Ogledov: 2088
Prenosov: 2686
Strani: 411-417

Evaluation of Compact Heat Exchanger Technologies for Hybrid Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine System Recuperators

M. Ruhul Amin, Joel D. Lindstrom
Ogledov: 2000
Prenosov: 2115
Strani: 418-425

Investigations of combustion process in stove fired on biomass

Nebojša G. Manić, Vladimir V. Jovanović, Milan R. Radovanović, Nebojša G. Manić, Ivo R. Radulović, Slobodan V. Perišić
Ogledov: 2014
Prenosov: 1070
Strani: 426-430

Modelling of Vertical Wall Influence on the Single Bubble Motion

Darius Mikielewicz, Jan Wajs
Ogledov: 2184
Prenosov: 1475
Strani: 431-435

Simulation of Void Fraction Profile Evolution in Subcooled Nucleate Boiling in a Vertical Annulus with a Bubble-Tracking Model

Ivo Kljenak, Borut Mavko
Ogledov: 1835
Prenosov: 1393
Strani: 436-444

Modelling of Flow Boiling Process in Small Diameter Tubes

Darius Mikielewicz, Jaroslaw Mikielewiez
Ogledov: 2141
Prenosov: 1568
Strani: 445-450

Analysis of loop heat pipe performance under varying wick load

A. Heitor Reis, António F. Miguel, Murat Aydin
Ogledov: 2003
Prenosov: 1328
Strani: 451-455

A Numerical Study of Thermosolutal Melting

Thomas J Scanlon, Matthew T Stickland
Ogledov: 2032
Prenosov: 1252
Strani: 456-461

The Use of a Phase Change Material whitinh a Cylinder Wall in order to Detect Knock ina Gas SI Engine

J´´erôme Bellettre, Eric Ollivier, Mohand Tazerout
Ogledov: 2012
Prenosov: 1286
Strani: 462-469

Numerical computation of turbulent conjugate heat transfer in air heater

M. Hriberšek, b. Širok, Z. Žunič, L. Škerget
Ogledov: 1978
Prenosov: 1417
Strani: 470-475

Application of Meshless Methods for Thermal Analysis

Darrell W. Pepper, Božidar Šarler
Ogledov: 2018
Prenosov: 1161
Strani: 476-483

Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Nozzle Geometry on the Performance of a Pulse Detonation Engine

M. Ruhul Amin, Hasan Z. Rouf, Jean-Luc Cambier
Ogledov: 1986
Prenosov: 1655
Strani: 484-490

Numerical Simulation on Mixed Convection in a Porous Medium Heated by a Vertical Cylinder

Ling Li, Shigeo Kimura
Ogledov: 1920
Prenosov: 1366
Strani: 491-494

Some Features of Flow and Particle Transport in Porous Structures

M. Aydin, A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis, G. Balik
Ogledov: 1962
Prenosov: 987
Strani: 495-500

Effect of asymmetry on the steady thermal convection in a vertical torus filled with a porous medium

Adrian Postelnicu, Nikoleta Scurtu
Ogledov: 1934
Prenosov: 1126
Strani: 501-508

Comparison of Flow Characteristics of Centrifugal Compressors by Numerical Modelling of Flow

Zvonimir Guzović, Mario Baburić, Dubravko Matijašević
Ogledov: 2062
Prenosov: 2744
Strani: 509-518

Heat transfer distribution for a free/porous system with forced convection and heat generation – a numerical study

Antonio C. M. Sousa
Ogledov: 1895
Prenosov: 1276
Strani: 519-526

The Galerkin Method Solution of the Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems for the Cross-Flow Conditions

Andrej Horvat, Borut Mavko
Ogledov: 2059
Prenosov: 1466
Strani: 527-533

Experimentation and Simulation of Thermal Energy Storage System with Non-Phase Change Materials

Thanakom Soontornchainacksaeng
Ogledov: 1935
Prenosov: 2220
Strani: 534-537