Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 46 (2000) 6

leto 2000, letnik 46, številka 6

Analysis of the Flow Kinematics Behind a Pulsating Adaptive Airfoil Using Computer-Aided Visualisation

Brane Širok, Erik Potočar, Matej Novak
Ogledov: 1949
Prenosov: 1053
Strani: 330-341

A Dynamic Model for the Control of a Room’s Temperature by Means of Ceiling Cooling

Tonko Ćurko, Ivan Galaso
Ogledov: 2087
Prenosov: 1058
Strani: 342-346

Sistematization, Organization, Development and Utilization of an Hourly Reference Meteorological Year Database for Damascus Zone

Kamal Skeiker
Ogledov: 2077
Prenosov: 1146
Strani: 347-358

Numerical Simulation of the Surface Fatigue Crack Growth on Gear Teeth Flanks

Gorazd Fajdiga, Jože Flašker, Srečko Glodež, Zoran Ren
Ogledov: 1967
Prenosov: 994
Strani: 359-369

Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant Containment Response During a Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident

Ivo Kljenak, Borut Mavko
Ogledov: 2011
Prenosov: 1059
Strani: 370-382

An Intelligent Computer system for Supporting Design Education

Marina Novak, Bojan Dolšak
Ogledov: 2205
Prenosov: 985
Strani: 383-390