Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60 (2014) 5

leto 2014, letnik 60, številka 5

System Model Modes Developed from Expansion of Uncoupled Component Dynamic Data

Peter Avitabile, Christopher Nonis, Sergio E. Obando
Ogledov: 2248
Prenosov: 2393
Strani: 287-297

Measurement of Wave Attenuation in Buried Plastic Water Distribution Pipes

Fabrício César Lobato de Almeida, Michael John Brennan, Phillip Frederick Joseph, Simon Dray, Stuart Whitfield, Amarildo Tabone Paschoalini
Ogledov: 2889
Prenosov: 1766
Strani: 298-306

PGD-VTCR: A Reduced Order Model Technique to Solve Medium Frequency Broad Band Problems on Complex Acoustical Systems

Andrea Barbarulo, Hervé Riou, Louis Kovalevsky, Pierre Ladeveze
Ogledov: 2450
Prenosov: 1455
Strani: 307-313

Feasibility of Energy Harvesting Using Stochastic Resonance Caused by Axial Periodic Force

Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, Honggang Hu, Rencheng Zheng
Ogledov: 2329
Prenosov: 1538
Strani: 314-320

Review and Upgrade of a Bulk Flow Model for the Analysis of Honeycomb Gas Seals Based on New High Pressure Experimental Data

Diego Saba, Paola Forte, Giuseppe Vannini
Ogledov: 2268
Prenosov: 1685
Strani: 321-330

Parameter Identification of Multistorey Frame Structure from Uncertain Dynamic Data

S. Chakraverty, Diptiranjan Behera
Ogledov: 2572
Prenosov: 1489
Strani: 331-338

Vibrational Fatigue and Structural Dynamics for Harmonic and Random Loads

Martin Česnik, Janko Slavič
Ogledov: 2622
Prenosov: 3353
Strani: 339-348

Reflection and Transmission Coefficients from Rectangular Notches in Pipes

Darryl Keith Stoyko, Neil Popplewell, Arvind H. Shah
Ogledov: 2123
Prenosov: 1839
Strani: 349-362

Finite Element Formulations Applied to Outer Ear Modeling

Gaia Volandri, Constantino Carmignani, Francesca Di Puccio, Paola Forte
Ogledov: 2297
Prenosov: 1694
Strani: 363-372