Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 45 (1999) 2

leto 1999, letnik 45, številka 2

Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Analysis Using the Stream Function and Vorticity

Jure Marn, Marjan Delić
Ogledov: 2437
Prenosov: 1138
Strani: 47-56

Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of the Transient Thermal Behavior of Ground-Coupled System Using Concrete Tubes

Igor Tičar
Ogledov: 1982
Prenosov: 1075
Strani: 57-63

Integration of Data Bases in a Computer-Supported Tool Management System

Bogomir Muršec, Franci Čuš
Ogledov: 2018
Prenosov: 1027
Strani: 64-74

The Influence of Air Leakage on the Efficiency of Boilers

Boštjan Drobnič, Andrej Senegačnik, Janez Oman
Ogledov: 2197
Prenosov: 1070
Strani: 75-84