Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 61 (2015) 12

leto 2015, letnik 61, številka 12

Laser-Induced Deterioration Grinding of Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) – Generation of Layer Patterns and Performance Evaluation

Xiaohong Zhang, Zhaohui Deng, Yinhui Ren, Genyu Chen, Wei Liu, Gaofeng Zhang
Ogledov: 2012
Prenosov: 1459
Strani: 689-697

Automatic Recognition of Machinery Noise in the Working Environment

Primož Lipar, Mirko Čudina, Peter Šteblaj, Jurij Prezelj
Ogledov: 2573
Prenosov: 1610
Strani: 698-708

Evaluation of the Coulomb Friction Coefficient in DC05 Sheet Metal Forming

Gillo Giuliano
Ogledov: 2227
Prenosov: 1929
Strani: 709-713

Prediction of Laser Cut Quality for Tungsten Alloy Using the Neural Network Method

Simon Klancnik, Derzija Begic-Hajdarevic, Matej Paulic, Mirko Ficko, Ahmet Cekic, Maida Cohodar Husic
Ogledov: 2692
Prenosov: 1592
Strani: 714-720

Natural Frequency Changes Due to Severe Corrosion in Metallic Structures

Gilbert-Rainer Gillich, Zeno Iosif Praisach, Vasile Iancu, Horia Furdui, Ionica Negru
Ogledov: 2794
Prenosov: 1149
Strani: 721-730

Analysis of Flow Field and Pumping Performance for a Valveless Piezoelectric Pump with a Hemisphere-segment Group

Caiqi Hu, Jing Ji, Xiaoqi Hu, Jude Liu, Shengduo Li
Ogledov: 2439
Prenosov: 1498
Strani: 731-740

Artificial Neural Networks to Estimate the Thermal Properties of an Experimental Micro-Alloyed Steel and Their Application to the Welding Thermal Analysis

Edgar López-Martínez, Héctor Javier Vergara-Hernández, Sergio Serna, Bernardo Campillo
Ogledov: 2654
Prenosov: 1590
Strani: 741-750