Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 53 (2007) 12

leto 2007, letnik 53, številka 12

Analytical tracing of the evolution of the elasto-plastic state during the bending of beams with a rectangular cross-section

Miroslav Halilovič, Boris Štok
Ogledov: 1829
Prenosov: 1235
Strani: 806-818

A model for predicting the mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites – A micro-mechanical approach

Aleš Hančič, Franc Kosel, A. R. Campos, A. M. Cunha, Gašper Gantar
Ogledov: 2228
Prenosov: 1300
Strani: 819-833

Prediction of the nonlinear creep deformation of plastic products

Jan Spoormaker, Ihor Skrypnyk, Anton Hiedweiller
Ogledov: 2040
Prenosov: 1156
Strani: 834-843

The development of advanced methods for scheduling production processes

Tadej Tasič, Borut Buchmeister, Bojan Ačko
Ogledov: 2023
Prenosov: 851
Strani: 844-857

Computer and machine vision in robot-based assembly

Niko Herakovič
Ogledov: 2025
Prenosov: 1521
Strani: 858-873

An alternative strategy for microtooling for replication processes

Boštjan Juriševič, Jožko Valentinčič, Oki Blatnik, Davorin Kramar, Henri Orbanić, Mihael Junkar, C. Masclet, Matthieu Museau, H. Paris
Ogledov: 2061
Prenosov: 1254
Strani: 874-884

The design and manufacture of burnishing equipment and the burnishing process with Al 7075 T6 material

Hüdayim Basak
Ogledov: 1955
Prenosov: 1318
Strani: 885-897

Improving the dynamic characteristics of a rotor system using an evolutionary algorithm

Hamit Saruhan
Ogledov: 2021
Prenosov: 1278
Strani: 898-912