Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 39 (1993) 11-12

leto 1993, letnik 39, številka 11-12

Carrying Angle and Carrying Capacity of Large Ball bearings

Ivan Prebil, Samo Zupan
Ogledov: 2030
Prenosov: 1100
Strani: 267-277

To Competitiveness of the Product by Modern Design Methods

Martin Prašnički
Ogledov: 1790
Prenosov: 1335
Strani: 278-290

The Possibilities of Solving the Scoring Problems of Tooth Flanks with Noninvolute teeth Profiles In Plane Toothed Cylindrical Gears

Miroslav Vereš, Lubomír Petrák
Ogledov: 2004
Prenosov: 1198
Strani: 291-298

The Influence of Functional Contact Area on the Stress Field In a Gear Tooth Root

Jože Flašker, Srečko Glodež, Stanislav Pehan
Ogledov: 1873
Prenosov: 880
Strani: 299-308

Numerical Model for the Calculation of Service Life of a Gear

Jože Flašker, Boris Aberšek
Ogledov: 1836
Prenosov: 1225
Strani: 309-318