Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64 (2018) 10

leto 2018, letnik 64, številka 10

Force Control of Hydraulic Actuators using Additional Hydraulic Compliance

Job Angel Ledezma Pérez, Edson Roberto De Pieri, Victor Juliano De Negri
Ogledov: 3445
Prenosov: 4672
Strani: 579-589

Heating by Flat Plate Collector Combined with a Heat Pump

Simon Marčič, Sebastijan Seme, Julijan Jan Salamunić, Zdravko Praunseis, Stanislav Pehan
Ogledov: 2973
Prenosov: 2811
Strani: 590-600

Research of Crack Detection and Delay Crack Propagation on a Nonlinear Rotor

Jun Liu, WeiLong Liu, Xiaofeng Wang
Ogledov: 3075
Prenosov: 1740
Strani: 601-610

Influence of Cellular Lattice Body Structure on Gear Vibration Induced by Meshing

Riad Ramadani, Marko Kegl, Jožef Predan, Aleš Belšak, Stanislav Pehan
Ogledov: 3258
Prenosov: 2481
Strani: 611-620

A Gage Study Applied in Shear Test to Identify Variation Causes from a Resistance Spot Welding Measurement System

Fabrício Alves de Almeida, Guilherme Ferreira Gomes, Rachel Campos Sabioni, José Henrique de Freitas Gomes, Vinícius Renó de Paula, Anderson Paulo de Paiva, Sebastião Carlos da Costa
Ogledov: 3115
Prenosov: 3144
Strani: 621-631

Performance Characteristics Research on Power System of a Four-Valve Compressed Air Engine

Qihui Yu, Xin Tan, Jianguo Meng, Fei Shang, Xueqing Hao
Ogledov: 3031
Prenosov: 1771
Strani: 632-642

Integrating a New Software Tool Used for Tool Path Generation in the Numerical Simulation of Incremental Forming Processes

Daniel Nasulea, Gheorghe Oancea
Ogledov: 3242
Prenosov: 2211
Strani: 643-651