Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 56 (2010) 1

leto 2010, letnik 56, številka 1

Countrywide Positioning of Domestic Solar Water Heating Systems using Risk Analysis and Geographical Information System

Luka Lugarić, Ljubomir Majdandžić, Davor Škrlec
Ogledov: 2096
Prenosov: 1198
Strani: 3-17

Effectivity of Hypergeometric Function Application in the Numerical Simulation of the Helicopter Rotor Blades Theory

Dragoljub Bekrić, Časlav Mitrović, Dragan Cvetković, Aleksandar Bengin
Ogledov: 2098
Prenosov: 1138
Strani: 18-22

The Influence of Surface Topology on the Accuracy of Laser Triangulation Scanning Results

Nikola Vukašinović, Marjan Korošec, Jože Duhovnik
Ogledov: 2046
Prenosov: 1708
Strani: 23-30

Muscular-Skeletal Diseases Require Scientifically Designed Sewing Workstations

Andrej Polajnar, Marjan Leber, Nataša Vujica Herzog
Ogledov: 2059
Prenosov: 1791
Strani: 31-40

Risk Analysis Methodology for Road Tunnels and Alternative Routes

Stojan Petelin, Blaž Luin
Ogledov: 2323
Prenosov: 1578
Strani: 41-51

Modelling Metal cutting Parameters Using Intelligent Techniques

Dejan Tanikić, Miodrag Manić, Goran Devedžić, Zoran Stević
Ogledov: 2072
Prenosov: 1287
Strani: 52-62

A Multi-Criteria Assessment of Energy Crops for Biogas Production

Peter Vindiš, Bogomir Muršec, Črtomir Rozman, Franc Čus
Ogledov: 2135
Prenosov: 1415
Strani: 63-70