Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 57 (2011) 9

year 2011, volume 57, issue 9

Sustainability Assessment: Cryogenic Machining of Inconel 718

Franci Pušavec, Janez Kopač
Views: 3391
Downloads: 1490
Pages: 637-647

Length Variation of Toothed Belt During Exploitation

Blaza Stojanović, Nenad Miloradović, Nenad Marjanović, Mirko Blagojević, Lozica Ivanović
Views: 2559
Downloads: 1601
Pages: 648-654

Signal Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Induction Motors Using Features of Vibration Signal in Two- Dimension Domain

Van Tuan Do, Ui-Pil Chong
Views: 6164
Downloads: 4552
Pages: 655-666

FE-Modeling of Cold Rolling by In-Feed Method of Circular Grooves

Eduard Niţu, Monica Iordache, Luminiţa Marincei, Isabelle Charpentier, Gaël Le Coz, Gérard Ferron, Ion Ungureanu
Views: 2574
Downloads: 1510
Pages: 667-673

Surface Topography Modelling for Reduced Friction

Marko Sedlaček, Luis Miguel Silva Vilhena, Bojan Podgornik, Jože Vižintin
Views: 3507
Downloads: 1811
Pages: 674-680

Aspects of Using Tool Axis Inclination Angle

Marek Sadílek, Robert Čep, Igor Budak, Mirko Soković
Views: 2610
Downloads: 1395
Pages: 681-688

Influence of input parameters on characteristics of EDM process

M.R. Shabgard, M. Seyedzavvar, S. Nadimi Bavil Oliaei
Views: 3559
Downloads: 4689
Pages: 689-696

Application of numerical simulations in deep-drawing process and holding system with segments’ inserts

Mihael Volk, Blaž Nardin, Bojan Dolšak
Views: 2814
Downloads: 1459
Pages: 697-703