Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 45 (1999) 7-8

year 1999, volume 45, issue 7-8

The Development of a Model for the Process and Structure of a Control System for an Induction Hardening Cell

Franjo Cajner, Josip Grilec, Darko Landek
Views: 1802
Downloads: 1074
Pages: 267-277

Analysis of Dynamic Systems by Bond-Graphs

Alojz Hussu
Views: 2017
Downloads: 1143
Pages: 278-286

The Reduction of Washing Machine Noise by the Use of Muffling Materials

Nikola Holeček
Views: 2198
Downloads: 1067
Pages: 287-293

Optimisation of Welding Parameters for the New Tubular Cored Electrode Type RD 971

Jozef Meško, Viliam Ležd´´ik, Miloš Mičian
Views: 2056
Downloads: 1038
Pages: 294-300