Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 44 (1998) 7-8

year 1998, volume 44, issue 7-8

Direct Fired Cascading Sorption Chiller

Peter Satzger, Tim Berlitz, Felix Ziegler
Views: 2053
Downloads: 1226
Pages: 213-225

Numerical Simulation of the Performance of Cooled Absorbers with Falling Liquid Films in Vertical Tubes

Martin Pfl¨¨ügl
Views: 1827
Downloads: 1187
Pages: 226-236

Optimization of Operation of the Absorption Process by Use of a Discrete Controller

Henrik Gjerkeš, Branko Gašperšič
Views: 2004
Downloads: 540
Pages: 237-248

Reduced Flow of Control Valves, yes or no ?

Ivan Bajsić, Miha Bobič
Views: 1965
Downloads: 570
Pages: 249-257