Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 60 (2014) 6

year 2014, volume 60, issue 6

Influence of Plying Strategies and Trigger Type on Crashworthiness Properties of Carbon Fiber Laminates Cured through Autoclave Processing

Enrico Troiani, Lorenzo Donati, Gianluca Molinari, Raffaella Di Sante
Views: 2393
Downloads: 1498
Pages: 375-381

The Trends in Usage and Barriers of Innovation Management Techniques in New Product Development

Marjan Leber, Majda Bastič, Borut Buchmeister
Views: 2373
Downloads: 1485
Pages: 382-388

Structure Formation of Hypereutectic Al-Si-Alloys Produced by Laser Surface Treatment

Sergey Nikolaevich Grigoriev, Tatyana Vasilievna Tarasova, Galina Olegovna Gvozdeva, Steffen Nowotny
Views: 3224
Downloads: 2146
Pages: 389-394

Optimization of the Energy Efficiency of a Piston Compressed Air Engine

Qihui Yu, Maolin Cai, Yan Shi, Zichuan Fan
Views: 2726
Downloads: 1225
Pages: 395-406

Evaluating the Statistical Significance of a Fatigue-Life Reduction Due to Macro-Porosity

Ana Bižal, Jernej Klemenc, Matija Fajdiga
Views: 2336
Downloads: 1544
Pages: 407-416

Analysis of the Influence of Contaminants on the Biodegradability Characteristics and Ageing of Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids

Yesid Asaff, Victor Juliano De Negri, Heinrich Theissen, Hubertus Murrenhoff
Views: 2643
Downloads: 1931
Pages: 417-424

A Simple Method for Evaluating the Sustainable Design of Energy Efficient Family Houses

Miha Praznik, Vincenc Butala, Martina Zbašnik Senegačnik
Views: 2783
Downloads: 1474
Pages: 425-436

RBF Neural Network Based Sliding Mode Control of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Suit

Shengli Song, Xinglong Zhang, Zhitao Tan
Views: 2605
Downloads: 1788
Pages: 437-446