Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 56 (2010) 5

year 2010, volume 56, issue 5

A Novel Technique for Spatial Objects Shaping with a High-Pressure Abrasive Water Jet

Przemyslaw Borkowski
Views: 1887
Downloads: 1195
Pages: 287-294

Characterisation of High-Carbon Steel Surface Welded Layer

Olivera Popović, Radica Prokić-Cvetković, Aleksandar Sedmak, Vencislav Grabulov, Zijah Burzić, Marko Rakin
Views: 1938
Downloads: 1316
Pages: 295-300

Optimum Design of a Hybrid-Driven Mechanical Press Based on Inverse Kinematics

Hui Li, Lihui Fu, Yuping Zhang
Views: 1827
Downloads: 1431
Pages: 301-306

Application of Non-Discrete Boundaries with Friction to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

Gregor Petkovšek, Elvira Džebo, Matjaž Četina, Dušan Žagar
Views: 1919
Downloads: 1141
Pages: 307-315

A Multi-Objective Optimization of a Robotic Arm for Service Tasks

Cristina Castejón, Giuseppe Carbone, J.C. García Prada, M. Ceccarelli
Views: 2047
Downloads: 2578
Pages: 316-329

Solving JSSP by Introducing Hamilton Similarity and Time Dependent Fitness Scaling

Arijan Abrashi, Nedjeljko Štefanić, Dragutin Lisjak
Views: 1955
Downloads: 1112
Pages: 330-339

Experimental Analysis of the Deviation from Circularity of Bored Hole Based on the Taguchi Method

Ihsan Korkut, Yilmaz Kucuk
Views: 1965
Downloads: 1245
Pages: 340-346