Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63 (2017) 4

year 2017, volume 63, issue 4

The Validation of Numerical Methodology for Oven Design Optimization Using Numerical Simulations and Baking Experiments

Uroš Kokolj, Leopold Škerget, Jure Ravnik
Views: 2628
Downloads: 3878
Pages: 215-224

Pneumatic Muscle-Actuated Adjustable Compliant Gripper System for Assembly Operations

Tudor Deaconescu, Andrea Deaconescu
Views: 2674
Downloads: 1908
Pages: 225-234

Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re

Arjun Kozhikkatil Sunil, Rakesh Kumar
Views: 2842
Downloads: 1728
Pages: 235-247

Reliability Assessment of Bearings Based on Performance Degradation Values under Small Samples

Luosheng Qin, Xuejin Shen, Xiaoyang Chen, Pandong Gao
Views: 2605
Downloads: 1606
Pages: 248-254

An Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation in SPF of AA 5083 Alloy using Programming Logic Control Approach

Muthusamy Balasubramanian, Pasupathy Ganesh, Kalimuthu Ramanathan, Velukkudi Santhanam Senthil Kumar
Views: 2394
Downloads: 1943
Pages: 255-264

A Surveillance of Direct-Firing System for Pulverized-Coal Using Statistically Treated Signals from Intrusive Electrostatic Sensors

Boštjan Jurjevčič, Andrej Senegačnik, Igor Kuštrin
Views: 2293
Downloads: 1598
Pages: 265-274

Failure Analysis of the Multi-Level Series Rotary Seal Device under High-Pressure Water

Zenghui Liu, Changlong Du, Songyong Liu, Hongxiang Jiang
Views: 2513
Downloads: 1877
Pages: 275-283