Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 52 (2006) 4

year 2006, volume 52, issue 4

Performance Measurement in Business Process Re-Engineering

Nataša Vujica Herzog, Andrej Polajnar, Petja Pižmoht
Views: 3007
Downloads: 1137
Pages: 210-224

A Damper of Torsional Vibrations and an Investigation of Its Efficiency

Bronislovas Spruogis, Vytautas Turla
Views: 1893
Downloads: 983
Pages: 225-236

Choice of Smoothing Parameter Using Photo-Elastic Coatings

Violeta Kravčenkiene, Algiment Aleksa, Minvydas Ragulskis, Rimas Maskeliunas
Views: 1836
Downloads: 1229
Pages: 237-241

Managing the Functional Obsolescence of Machinery and Equipment: the Quotient of Curability of Functional Obsolescence as a Basis for Decisions Made about the Renovation or Replacement of Machinery and Equipment

Igor Pšunder
Views: 2098
Downloads: 1081
Pages: 242-249

Using Porous Ceramics as a Substrate or Filter Media During the Cleaning of Sewage

Darko Drev, Danijel Vrhovšek, Jože Panjan
Views: 1870
Downloads: 953
Pages: 250-263