Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 50 (2004) 3

year 2004, volume 50, issue 3

Wear And Friction Properties Of Hard Coatings For Forming Tools

Bojan Podgornik, Sture Hogmark, Odd Sandberg
Views: 2012
Downloads: 1286
Pages: 146-156

Six Sigma in Process Design

Duško Pavletić, Sandro Fakin, Mirko Soković
Views: 2143
Downloads: 1169
Pages: 157-167

Control in Refrigeration Systems

Janez Primožič, Rajko Svečko
Views: 2268
Downloads: 1685
Pages: 168-180

Measurement of Relative Turbine Efficiency and Adjustment of Governing Parameters on Long Penstock Kaplan Turbine with Comparative Method

Andrej J. Trebše
Views: 1892
Downloads: 1350
Pages: 181-189