Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 41 (1995) 3-4

year 1995, volume 41, issue 3-4

Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion (PFBC) – Clean Coal Technology

Leif Kemmer
Views: 1995
Downloads: 1200
Pages: 65-72

Exergy Analysis of Heat Energy Transfer and Distribution

Alojz Poredoš, Miran Zager
Views: 2416
Downloads: 1286
Pages: 73-80

Optimisation of Colour Pigment Grinding with Pearl Mills

Ivan Bajsić, Marjan Tušar, Livija Tušar, Alojz Mišmaš
Views: 2147
Downloads: 1359
Pages: 81-98

Some Aspects of the Use of Thermal Insulation Materials

Gregor Radonjič, Aleš Hauc, Jurij Krope, Vojko Musil
Views: 1915
Downloads: 1060
Pages: 99-108

Power Consumption in Road Tunnels

Karl Pucher
Views: 1882
Downloads: 1175
Pages: 109-115