Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 59 (2013) 3

year 2013, volume 59, issue 3

3D Numerical Analysis of 2D Profile Bending with the Torque Superposed Spatial Bending Method

Matej Hudovernik, Daniel Staupendahl, Mohammad Gharbi, Matthias Hermes, A. Erman Tekkaya, Karl Kuzman, Janez Marko Slabe
Views: 2498
Downloads: 1149
Pages: 139-147

Numerical Simulation of Cold Forming of α-Titanium Alloy Sheets

Sebastijan Jurendić, Sivlia Gaiani
Views: 6126
Downloads: 1657
Pages: 148-155

Enhancing Micro-EDM using Ultrasonic Vibration and Approaches for Machining of Nonconducting Ceramics

Andreas Schubert, Henning Zeidler, Matthias Hackert-Oschätzchen, Jörg Schneider, Martin Hahn
Views: 3437
Downloads: 2305
Pages: 156-164

Characteristics of Hard Coatings on AZ61 Magnesium Alloys

Tomasz Tański
Views: 2406
Downloads: 1814
Pages: 165-174

Final Manufacturing Process of Front Side Metallisation on Silicon Solar Cells Using Conventional and Unconventional Techniques

Leszek Adam Dobrzański, Małgorzata Monika Musztyfaga, Aleksandra Drygała
Views: 2584
Downloads: 1055
Pages: 175-182

Characterisation and Processing of Reinforced PA 6 with Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) for Injection Molding

Angel Fernandez Cuello, Manuel Muniesa, Jaime Gonzalez
Views: 2331
Downloads: 1505
Pages: 183-192

Resource Efficient Injection Moulding With Low Environmental Impacts

Gašper Gantar, Andrej Glojek, Mitja Mori, Blaž Nardin, Mihael Sekavčnik
Views: 2846
Downloads: 2825
Pages: 193-200