Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 50 (2004) 12

year 2004, volume 50, issue 12

Monitoring Cutting-Tool Wear Using Signals from the Control System

Tihomir Mulc, Toma Udiljak, Franci Čuš, Matjaž Milfelner
Views: 2028
Downloads: 1290
Pages: 568-579

An Analysis of the Acoustic Properties of Composite Materials

Samo Šali, Uroš Žnidarič, Janez Kopač
Views: 2215
Downloads: 1128
Pages: 580-593

A New Approach to Calculating the Arithmetical Mean Deviation of a Profile during Copy Milling

Jozef Peterka
Views: 2227
Downloads: 1169
Pages: 594-597

A Dynamic Model of a Rotor System Consisting of a Flexible Link with Misaligned Shafts

Marijonas Bogdevičius, Bronislovas Spruogis, Vytautas Turla
Views: 1937
Downloads: 1242
Pages: 598-612

The Application of Water-Jet Technology for Incremental Sheet-Metal Forming

Mihael Junkar, Boštjan Juriševič, Kurt C. Heiniger
Views: 2066
Downloads: 1219
Pages: 613-622

Numerical Simulation of Working-Fluid Flow Cut in a Tube of a Steam-Boiler Membrane-Wall Evaporator

Namir Neimarlija, Nagib Neimarlija
Views: 2059
Downloads: 1124
Pages: 623-630