Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51 (2005) 11

year 2005, volume 51, issue 11

A Heuristic Model for the Development of Production Capabilities

Zvonko Kremljak, Andrej Polajnar, Borut Buchmeister
Views: 2050
Downloads: 1316
Pages: 674-691

A Discrete Gas-Cavity Model that Considers the Frictional Effects of Unsteady Pipe Flow

Anton Bergant, Uroš Karadžić, John P. Vitovský, Igor Vušanović, Angus R. Simpson
Views: 3455
Downloads: 1205
Pages: 692-710

A Statistical Approach to the Analysis of Cooling Systems with Natural-Draft Cooling Towers

Jure Smrekar, Janez Oman, Brane Širok
Views: 1932
Downloads: 1317
Pages: 711-723

Robot Control Based on Force and Vision Sensors

Leon Lahajnar, Leon Žlajpah
Views: 1985
Downloads: 1321
Pages: 724-736