Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65 (2019) 11-12

year 2019, volume 65, issue 11-12

Editorial: Centenary of the University of Ljubljana and the study of mechanical engineering

Vincenc Butala
Views: 2593
Downloads: 1377
Pages: 611-614

Elastocaloric Cooling: State-of-the-art and Future Challenges in Designing Regenerative Elastocaloric Devices

Parham Kabirifar, Andrej Žerovnik, Žiga Ahčin, Luka Porenta, Miha Brojan, Jaka Tušek
Views: 7052
Downloads: 6547
Pages: 615-630

Harmonic Equivalence of the Impulse Loads in Vibration Fatigue

Primož Ogrinec, Janko Slavič, Miha Boltežar
Views: 3369
Downloads: 2784
Pages: 631-640

Cavitation as a Potential Technology for Wastewater Management – An Example of Enhanced Nutrient Release from Secondary Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge

Mija Sežun, Janez Kosel, Mojca Zupanc, Marko Hočevar, Janez Vrtovšek, Martin Petkovšek, Matevž Dular
Views: 3271
Downloads: 1998
Pages: 641-649

Distributed Manufacturing Systems with Digital Agents

Niko Herakovič, Hugo Zupan, Miha Pipan, Jernej Protner, Marko Šimic
Views: 3374
Downloads: 2381
Pages: 650-657

Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Meshless Simulation System for Direct-Chill Casting of Aluminium Alloys

Božidar Šarler, Tadej Dobravec, Gašper Glavan, Vanja Hatić, Boštjan Mavrič, Robert Vertnik, Peter Cvahte, Filip Gregor, Marina Jelen, Marko Petrovič
Views: 3132
Downloads: 2190
Pages: 658-670

Sustainability Assessment of Advanced Machining Technologies

Luka Sterle, Damir Grguraš, Matjaž Kern, Franci Pušavec
Views: 2693
Downloads: 1632
Pages: 671-679

Pulses on Demand in Fibre and Hybrid Lasers

Rok Petkovšek, Vid Agrež, Jaka Petelin, Luka Černe, Udo Bünting, Boštjan Podobnik
Views: 3014
Downloads: 2484
Pages: 680-689

Revealing the Thermodynamic Background of the Memory Effect in Phase Separating Cathode Materials

Klemen Zelič, Igor Mele, Ivo Pačnik, Jože Moškon, Miran Gaberšček, Tomaž Katrašnik
Views: 2859
Downloads: 2079
Pages: 690-700

The Effect of Population Ageing on Heating Energy Demand on National Level: A Case Study of Slovenia

Žiga Lampret, Gorazd Krese, Matjaž Prek
Views: 2669
Downloads: 1556
Pages: 701-708

Green Tribology for the Sustainable Engineering of the Future

Mitjan Kalin, Marko Polajnar, Maja Kus, Franc Majdič
Views: 3323
Downloads: 3323
Pages: 709-727

Semi-Analytical Multidimensional Algorithm for Aircraft Design Optimisation: Student Design Build Fly (DBF) Competition

Viktor Šajn
Views: 2662
Downloads: 2113
Pages: 728-740