Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 59 (2013) 10

year 2013, volume 59, issue 10

Reducing the Computational Time of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method with a Coupled 2-D/3-D Approach

Elvira Džebo, Dušan Žagar, Matjaž Četina, Gregor Petkovšek
Views: 2306
Downloads: 1466
Pages: 575-584

Integral Characteristics of Hydrogen Production in Alkaline Electrolysers

Mitja Mori, Tilen Mržljak, Boštjan Drobnič, Mihael Sekavčnik
Views: 3915
Downloads: 3032
Pages: 585-594

Closed-Loop Handling Stability of 4WS Vehicle with Yaw Rate Control

Hongming Lv, Shaona Liu
Views: 2637
Downloads: 1250
Pages: 595-603

On-line Oil Monitoring and Diagnosis

José Salgueiro, Gabrijel Peršin, Jože Vižintin, Matic Ivanovič, Boštjan Dolenc
Views: 2677
Downloads: 1612
Pages: 604-612

Parametric Optimization of the Output Shaft of a Portal Axle using Finite Element Analysis

Jong Boon Ooi, Xin Wang, Ying Pio Lim, Ching Seong Tan, Jee Hou Ho, Kok Cheong Wong
Views: 3120
Downloads: 1729
Pages: 613-619

Experimental Investigation on Road Vehicle Active Suspension

Prabu Krishnasamy, Jancirani Jayaraj, Dennie John
Views: 2911
Downloads: 2058
Pages: 620-625

Hardness Effects on Abrasive Flow Machining

Kursad Gov, Omer Eyercioglu, Veysel Mehmed Cakir
Views: 2683
Downloads: 1501
Pages: 626-631