Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method

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Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method. 
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, [S.l.], v. 70, n.9-10, p. 417-425, september 2024. 
ISSN 0039-2480.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 oct. 2024. 
Denys, K., Vancraeynest, N., Cooreman, S., Rossi, M., & Coppieters, S.
Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method.
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 70(9-10), 417-425.
	author = {Kristof  Denys and Niels  Vancraeynest and Steven  Cooreman and Marco  Rossi and Sam  Coppieters},
	title = {Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {70},
	number = {9-10},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {through thickness strain hardening; FEMU; Nelder-Mead; stereo-DIC; S690QL; thick high strength steel; },
	abstract = {Due to the production process, thick high strength steel plates potentially exhibit inhomogeneous plastic material behavior through the thickness. For example, the initial yield stress and work hardening behavior might vary through the plate thickness. In order to establish a reliable plasticity model that can be used in finite element simulations to optimize forming processes or to investigate the structural integrity of large structures, this material behavior needs to be characterized. A straightforward characterization method consists of slicing the thick high strength steel plate and conducting standard tensile tests. However, this approach comes with a large experimental effort. A novel specimen is proposed enabling to inversely identify the work hardening behavior at distinct locations through the thickness of a thick steel plate. To this end, a tensile specimen with circular pockets at different depths is used. The strain fields within the pockets are captured using digital image correlation (DIC). finite element model updating (FEMU) is used to inversely identify a predefined strain hardening law for each pocket. First, the procedure is optimized and numerically verified using virtual experiments generated by a finite element model with a known variation of the work hardening behavior. Finally, the procedure is experimentally validated by characterizing the strain hardening behavior of a 10 mm thick S690QL grade.},
	issn = {0039-2480},	pages = {417-425},	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1037},
	url = {}
Denys, K.,Vancraeynest, N.,Cooreman, S.,Rossi, M.,Coppieters, S.
2024 September 70. Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering. [Online] 70:9-10
%A Denys, Kristof 
%A Vancraeynest, Niels 
%A Cooreman, Steven 
%A Rossi, Marco 
%A Coppieters, Sam 
%D 2024
%T Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method
%B 2024
%9 through thickness strain hardening; FEMU; Nelder-Mead; stereo-DIC; S690QL; thick high strength steel; 
%! Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method
%K through thickness strain hardening; FEMU; Nelder-Mead; stereo-DIC; S690QL; thick high strength steel; 
%X Due to the production process, thick high strength steel plates potentially exhibit inhomogeneous plastic material behavior through the thickness. For example, the initial yield stress and work hardening behavior might vary through the plate thickness. In order to establish a reliable plasticity model that can be used in finite element simulations to optimize forming processes or to investigate the structural integrity of large structures, this material behavior needs to be characterized. A straightforward characterization method consists of slicing the thick high strength steel plate and conducting standard tensile tests. However, this approach comes with a large experimental effort. A novel specimen is proposed enabling to inversely identify the work hardening behavior at distinct locations through the thickness of a thick steel plate. To this end, a tensile specimen with circular pockets at different depths is used. The strain fields within the pockets are captured using digital image correlation (DIC). finite element model updating (FEMU) is used to inversely identify a predefined strain hardening law for each pocket. First, the procedure is optimized and numerically verified using virtual experiments generated by a finite element model with a known variation of the work hardening behavior. Finally, the procedure is experimentally validated by characterizing the strain hardening behavior of a 10 mm thick S690QL grade.
%0 Journal Article
%R 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1037
%& 417
%P 9
%J Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
%V 70
%N 9-10
%@ 0039-2480
%8 2024-09-04
%7 2024-09-04
Denys, Kristof, Niels  Vancraeynest, Steven  Cooreman, Marco  Rossi, & Sam  Coppieters.
"Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method." Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], 70.9-10 (2024): 417-425. Web.  19 Oct. 2024
AU  - Denys, Kristof 
AU  - Vancraeynest, Niels 
AU  - Cooreman, Steven 
AU  - Rossi, Marco 
AU  - Coppieters, Sam 
PY  - 2024
TI  - Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1037
KW  - through thickness strain hardening; FEMU; Nelder-Mead; stereo-DIC; S690QL; thick high strength steel; 
N2  - Due to the production process, thick high strength steel plates potentially exhibit inhomogeneous plastic material behavior through the thickness. For example, the initial yield stress and work hardening behavior might vary through the plate thickness. In order to establish a reliable plasticity model that can be used in finite element simulations to optimize forming processes or to investigate the structural integrity of large structures, this material behavior needs to be characterized. A straightforward characterization method consists of slicing the thick high strength steel plate and conducting standard tensile tests. However, this approach comes with a large experimental effort. A novel specimen is proposed enabling to inversely identify the work hardening behavior at distinct locations through the thickness of a thick steel plate. To this end, a tensile specimen with circular pockets at different depths is used. The strain fields within the pockets are captured using digital image correlation (DIC). finite element model updating (FEMU) is used to inversely identify a predefined strain hardening law for each pocket. First, the procedure is optimized and numerically verified using virtual experiments generated by a finite element model with a known variation of the work hardening behavior. Finally, the procedure is experimentally validated by characterizing the strain hardening behavior of a 10 mm thick S690QL grade.
UR  -
	author = {Denys, K., Vancraeynest, N., Cooreman, S., Rossi, M., Coppieters, S.},
	title = {Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {70},
	number = {9-10},
	year = {2024},
	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1037},
	url = {}
AU  - Denys, Kristof 
AU  - Vancraeynest, Niels 
AU  - Cooreman, Steven 
AU  - Rossi, Marco 
AU  - Coppieters, Sam 
PY  - 2024/09/04
TI  - Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Vol 70, No 9-10 (2024): Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1037
KW  - through thickness strain hardening, FEMU, Nelder-Mead, stereo-DIC, S690QL, thick high strength steel, 
N2  - Due to the production process, thick high strength steel plates potentially exhibit inhomogeneous plastic material behavior through the thickness. For example, the initial yield stress and work hardening behavior might vary through the plate thickness. In order to establish a reliable plasticity model that can be used in finite element simulations to optimize forming processes or to investigate the structural integrity of large structures, this material behavior needs to be characterized. A straightforward characterization method consists of slicing the thick high strength steel plate and conducting standard tensile tests. However, this approach comes with a large experimental effort. A novel specimen is proposed enabling to inversely identify the work hardening behavior at distinct locations through the thickness of a thick steel plate. To this end, a tensile specimen with circular pockets at different depths is used. The strain fields within the pockets are captured using digital image correlation (DIC). finite element model updating (FEMU) is used to inversely identify a predefined strain hardening law for each pocket. First, the procedure is optimized and numerically verified using virtual experiments generated by a finite element model with a known variation of the work hardening behavior. Finally, the procedure is experimentally validated by characterizing the strain hardening behavior of a 10 mm thick S690QL grade.
UR  -
Denys, Kristof, Vancraeynest, Niels, Cooreman, Steven, Rossi, Marco, AND Coppieters, Sam.
"Through-thickness Work Hardening Variation in Thick High Strength Steel Plates: A Novel Inverse Characterization Method" Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], Volume 70 Number 9-10 (04 September 2024)



  • KU Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering, Belgium 1
  • ArcelorMittal Global R&D / OCAS NV, Belgium 2
  • Universitá Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Italy 3

Paper's information

Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 70(2024)9-10, 417-425
© The Authors 2024. CC BY 4.0 Int.

Due to the production process, thick high strength steel plates potentially exhibit inhomogeneous plastic material behavior through the thickness. For example, the initial yield stress and work hardening behavior might vary through the plate thickness. In order to establish a reliable plasticity model that can be used in finite element simulations to optimize forming processes or to investigate the structural integrity of large structures, this material behavior needs to be characterized. A straightforward characterization method consists of slicing the thick high strength steel plate and conducting standard tensile tests. However, this approach comes with a large experimental effort. A novel specimen is proposed enabling to inversely identify the work hardening behavior at distinct locations through the thickness of a thick steel plate. To this end, a tensile specimen with circular pockets at different depths is used. The strain fields within the pockets are captured using digital image correlation (DIC). finite element model updating (FEMU) is used to inversely identify a predefined strain hardening law for each pocket. First, the procedure is optimized and numerically verified using virtual experiments generated by a finite element model with a known variation of the work hardening behavior. Finally, the procedure is experimentally validated by characterizing the strain hardening behavior of a 10 mm thick S690QL grade.

through thickness strain hardening; FEMU; Nelder-Mead; stereo-DIC; S690QL; thick high strength steel;