Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis

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GLENK, Christian ;HÜTER, Florian ;BILLENSTEIN, Daniel ;RIEG, Frank .
Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis. 
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, [S.l.], v. 64, n.5, p. 303-309, june 2018. 
ISSN 0039-2480.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 oct. 2024. 
Glenk, C., Hüter, F., Billenstein, D., & Rieg, F.
Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis.
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 64(5), 303-309.
	author = {Christian  Glenk and Florian  Hüter and Daniel  Billenstein and Frank  Rieg},
	title = {Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {64},
	number = {5},
	year = {2018},
	keywords = {finite element analysis; body force; weight force; numerical integration; Gaussian quadrature},
	abstract = {The finite element analysis (FEA) is an established numerical method for the mechanical analysis of structural components, which cannot be analytically described sufficiently well. Despite ever-increasing computing power, the efficiency enhancement of the calculation methods and their computational implementation is one of the highest development goals in this field. This article shows an efficient method for the calculation of weight forces that is based on a factorization of the volume integral so that the integration is independent of the global node coordinates of the finite element mesh and solely dependent on the shape functions of the element type. The numerical integration can thus be done in advance, and the resultant numerical values can be tabulated in the finite element software. No quadrature needs to be performed during the program runtime. This approach leads to a reduction of the computing effort and time.},
	issn = {0039-2480},	pages = {303-309},	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5081},
	url = {}
Glenk, C.,Hüter, F.,Billenstein, D.,Rieg, F.
2018 June 64. Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering. [Online] 64:5
%A Glenk, Christian 
%A Hüter, Florian 
%A Billenstein, Daniel 
%A Rieg, Frank 
%D 2018
%T Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis
%B 2018
%9 finite element analysis; body force; weight force; numerical integration; Gaussian quadrature
%! Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis
%K finite element analysis; body force; weight force; numerical integration; Gaussian quadrature
%X The finite element analysis (FEA) is an established numerical method for the mechanical analysis of structural components, which cannot be analytically described sufficiently well. Despite ever-increasing computing power, the efficiency enhancement of the calculation methods and their computational implementation is one of the highest development goals in this field. This article shows an efficient method for the calculation of weight forces that is based on a factorization of the volume integral so that the integration is independent of the global node coordinates of the finite element mesh and solely dependent on the shape functions of the element type. The numerical integration can thus be done in advance, and the resultant numerical values can be tabulated in the finite element software. No quadrature needs to be performed during the program runtime. This approach leads to a reduction of the computing effort and time.
%0 Journal Article
%R 10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5081
%& 303
%P 7
%J Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
%V 64
%N 5
%@ 0039-2480
%8 2018-06-26
%7 2018-06-26
Glenk, Christian, Florian  Hüter, Daniel  Billenstein, & Frank  Rieg.
"Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis." Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], 64.5 (2018): 303-309. Web.  19 Oct. 2024
AU  - Glenk, Christian 
AU  - Hüter, Florian 
AU  - Billenstein, Daniel 
AU  - Rieg, Frank 
PY  - 2018
TI  - Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5081
KW  - finite element analysis; body force; weight force; numerical integration; Gaussian quadrature
N2  - The finite element analysis (FEA) is an established numerical method for the mechanical analysis of structural components, which cannot be analytically described sufficiently well. Despite ever-increasing computing power, the efficiency enhancement of the calculation methods and their computational implementation is one of the highest development goals in this field. This article shows an efficient method for the calculation of weight forces that is based on a factorization of the volume integral so that the integration is independent of the global node coordinates of the finite element mesh and solely dependent on the shape functions of the element type. The numerical integration can thus be done in advance, and the resultant numerical values can be tabulated in the finite element software. No quadrature needs to be performed during the program runtime. This approach leads to a reduction of the computing effort and time.
UR  -
	author = {Glenk, C., Hüter, F., Billenstein, D., Rieg, F.},
	title = {Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {64},
	number = {5},
	year = {2018},
	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5081},
	url = {}
AU  - Glenk, Christian 
AU  - Hüter, Florian 
AU  - Billenstein, Daniel 
AU  - Rieg, Frank 
PY  - 2018/06/26
TI  - Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Vol 64, No 5 (2018): Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5081
KW  - finite element analysis, body force, weight force, numerical integration, Gaussian quadrature
N2  - The finite element analysis (FEA) is an established numerical method for the mechanical analysis of structural components, which cannot be analytically described sufficiently well. Despite ever-increasing computing power, the efficiency enhancement of the calculation methods and their computational implementation is one of the highest development goals in this field. This article shows an efficient method for the calculation of weight forces that is based on a factorization of the volume integral so that the integration is independent of the global node coordinates of the finite element mesh and solely dependent on the shape functions of the element type. The numerical integration can thus be done in advance, and the resultant numerical values can be tabulated in the finite element software. No quadrature needs to be performed during the program runtime. This approach leads to a reduction of the computing effort and time.
UR  -
Glenk, Christian, Hüter, Florian, Billenstein, Daniel, AND Rieg, Frank.
"Consideration of Body Forces within Finite Element Analysis" Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], Volume 64 Number 5 (26 June 2018)



  • University of Bayreuth (Germany) 1

Paper's information

Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64(2018)5, 303-309
© The Authors, CC-BY 4.0 Int. Change in copyright policy from 2022, Jan 1st.

The finite element analysis (FEA) is an established numerical method for the mechanical analysis of structural components, which cannot be analytically described sufficiently well. Despite ever-increasing computing power, the efficiency enhancement of the calculation methods and their computational implementation is one of the highest development goals in this field. This article shows an efficient method for the calculation of weight forces that is based on a factorization of the volume integral so that the integration is independent of the global node coordinates of the finite element mesh and solely dependent on the shape functions of the element type. The numerical integration can thus be done in advance, and the resultant numerical values can be tabulated in the finite element software. No quadrature needs to be performed during the program runtime. This approach leads to a reduction of the computing effort and time.

finite element analysis; body force; weight force; numerical integration; Gaussian quadrature