Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators

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ĐOKIĆ, Radomir  ;VLADIĆ, Jovan ;JOJIĆ, Tanasije ;LIČEN, Hotimir ml. .
Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators. 
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, [S.l.], v. 70, n.9-10, p. 466-482, july 2024. 
ISSN 0039-2480.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 oct. 2024. 
Đokić, R., Vladić, J., Jojić, T., & Ličen, H.
Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators.
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 70(9-10), 466-482.
	author = {Radomir   Đokić and Jovan  Vladić and Tanasije  Jojić and Hotimir ml.  Ličen},
	title = {Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {70},
	number = {9-10},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {electric elevators; guide rails and driving mechanism resistances; efficiency determination; },
	abstract = {To be able to carry out a high-quality analysis of the operation and design of elevator systems with a driving pulley, it is necessary to determine the size of the losses that occur in the drive mechanism and elevator guide rails. The paper defines an experimental procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency coefficient of elevator facilities depending on the relative load of the cabin in operational conditions. The experiment was carried out on a passenger elevator with a rated load of 320 kg and a lifting height of 28 m. An analysis of the resistance, i.e., the source of power losses in vertical lifting devices, was performed, the most significant of which occur and are especially pronounced in worm gear reducers and on the guiding system of the cabin and counterweight, where the type of guiding elements also has an influence. A particular problem is expressed due to the changing state of the contact surfaces (between the guide rails and the guide shoes) during exploitation and the eccentric loading of the cabin. Also, the paper analysed the obtained measurement results to determine the dependence of the efficiency coefficient of the facility concerning the relative load of the cabin.},
	issn = {0039-2480},	pages = {466-482},	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1006},
	url = {}
Đokić, R.,Vladić, J.,Jojić, T.,Ličen, H.
2024 July 70. Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering. [Online] 70:9-10
%A Đokić, Radomir  
%A Vladić, Jovan 
%A Jojić, Tanasije 
%A Ličen, Hotimir ml. 
%D 2024
%T Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators
%B 2024
%9 electric elevators; guide rails and driving mechanism resistances; efficiency determination; 
%! Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators
%K electric elevators; guide rails and driving mechanism resistances; efficiency determination; 
%X To be able to carry out a high-quality analysis of the operation and design of elevator systems with a driving pulley, it is necessary to determine the size of the losses that occur in the drive mechanism and elevator guide rails. The paper defines an experimental procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency coefficient of elevator facilities depending on the relative load of the cabin in operational conditions. The experiment was carried out on a passenger elevator with a rated load of 320 kg and a lifting height of 28 m. An analysis of the resistance, i.e., the source of power losses in vertical lifting devices, was performed, the most significant of which occur and are especially pronounced in worm gear reducers and on the guiding system of the cabin and counterweight, where the type of guiding elements also has an influence. A particular problem is expressed due to the changing state of the contact surfaces (between the guide rails and the guide shoes) during exploitation and the eccentric loading of the cabin. Also, the paper analysed the obtained measurement results to determine the dependence of the efficiency coefficient of the facility concerning the relative load of the cabin.
%0 Journal Article
%R 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1006
%& 466
%P 17
%J Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
%V 70
%N 9-10
%@ 0039-2480
%8 2024-07-18
%7 2024-07-18
Đokić, Radomir , Jovan  Vladić, Tanasije  Jojić, & Hotimir ml.  Ličen.
"Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators." Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], 70.9-10 (2024): 466-482. Web.  19 Oct. 2024
AU  - Đokić, Radomir  
AU  - Vladić, Jovan 
AU  - Jojić, Tanasije 
AU  - Ličen, Hotimir ml. 
PY  - 2024
TI  - Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1006
KW  - electric elevators; guide rails and driving mechanism resistances; efficiency determination; 
N2  - To be able to carry out a high-quality analysis of the operation and design of elevator systems with a driving pulley, it is necessary to determine the size of the losses that occur in the drive mechanism and elevator guide rails. The paper defines an experimental procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency coefficient of elevator facilities depending on the relative load of the cabin in operational conditions. The experiment was carried out on a passenger elevator with a rated load of 320 kg and a lifting height of 28 m. An analysis of the resistance, i.e., the source of power losses in vertical lifting devices, was performed, the most significant of which occur and are especially pronounced in worm gear reducers and on the guiding system of the cabin and counterweight, where the type of guiding elements also has an influence. A particular problem is expressed due to the changing state of the contact surfaces (between the guide rails and the guide shoes) during exploitation and the eccentric loading of the cabin. Also, the paper analysed the obtained measurement results to determine the dependence of the efficiency coefficient of the facility concerning the relative load of the cabin.
UR  -
	author = {Đokić, R., Vladić, J., Jojić, T., Ličen, H.},
	title = {Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators},
	journal = {Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering},
	volume = {70},
	number = {9-10},
	year = {2024},
	doi = {10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1006},
	url = {}
AU  - Đokić, Radomir  
AU  - Vladić, Jovan 
AU  - Jojić, Tanasije 
AU  - Ličen, Hotimir ml. 
PY  - 2024/07/18
TI  - Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators
JF  - Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Vol 70, No 9-10 (2024): Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
DO  - 10.5545/sv-jme.2024.1006
KW  - electric elevators, guide rails and driving mechanism resistances, efficiency determination, 
N2  - To be able to carry out a high-quality analysis of the operation and design of elevator systems with a driving pulley, it is necessary to determine the size of the losses that occur in the drive mechanism and elevator guide rails. The paper defines an experimental procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency coefficient of elevator facilities depending on the relative load of the cabin in operational conditions. The experiment was carried out on a passenger elevator with a rated load of 320 kg and a lifting height of 28 m. An analysis of the resistance, i.e., the source of power losses in vertical lifting devices, was performed, the most significant of which occur and are especially pronounced in worm gear reducers and on the guiding system of the cabin and counterweight, where the type of guiding elements also has an influence. A particular problem is expressed due to the changing state of the contact surfaces (between the guide rails and the guide shoes) during exploitation and the eccentric loading of the cabin. Also, the paper analysed the obtained measurement results to determine the dependence of the efficiency coefficient of the facility concerning the relative load of the cabin.
UR  -
Đokić, Radomir , Vladić, Jovan, Jojić, Tanasije, AND Ličen, Hotimir ml..
"Analysis of Power Losses and Experimental Method for Determining Resistance in Electric Elevators" Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Online], Volume 70 Number 9-10 (18 July 2024)



  • University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia 1
  • TRC PRO, Serbia 2

Paper's information

Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 70(2024)9-10, 466-482
© The Authors 2024. CC BY 4.0 Int.

To be able to carry out a high-quality analysis of the operation and design of elevator systems with a driving pulley, it is necessary to determine the size of the losses that occur in the drive mechanism and elevator guide rails. The paper defines an experimental procedure for determining the losses and the efficiency coefficient of elevator facilities depending on the relative load of the cabin in operational conditions. The experiment was carried out on a passenger elevator with a rated load of 320 kg and a lifting height of 28 m. An analysis of the resistance, i.e., the source of power losses in vertical lifting devices, was performed, the most significant of which occur and are especially pronounced in worm gear reducers and on the guiding system of the cabin and counterweight, where the type of guiding elements also has an influence. A particular problem is expressed due to the changing state of the contact surfaces (between the guide rails and the guide shoes) during exploitation and the eccentric loading of the cabin. Also, the paper analysed the obtained measurement results to determine the dependence of the efficiency coefficient of the facility concerning the relative load of the cabin.

electric elevators; guide rails and driving mechanism resistances; efficiency determination;